Image Mender is a fully automated correction tool that retouches your images and digital photographs by removing unwanted artifacts without further intervention on your side. These editing and enhancing features can remove any objects, scratches, stains, or skin imperfections, which may come in very handy when scanning old prints.
The entire process is completely automatic, which has its pros and cons. On the pros side, the restoration process is so easy to perform that any user can benefit from the program’s magic. On the cons side, however, results might not always be as expected. Automated process – especially when some degree of creativity is involved – may simplify things, but leaving creative decisions to algorithms and calculations has its risks. The “mending” process that Image Mender offers basically replaces the selected area with pixels taken from the surrounding area – a process that professionals dealing with images usually perform manually, achieving perfection through countless trial and error processes. Making this painstaking process a fully automated one is a double-edged sword.
The correction process itself can take as little as a couple of seconds or as much as various minutes, depending on the area selected and the quality of the master image – the higher the resolution and the size of the picture are, the longer the mending process will take.
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